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Sunday, June 17, 2012

snapping snaps

OK, fellow camera fans, lots to see again at this year's London Festival of Photography... 17 free exhibition and a number of free events (gallery tours, talks etc.). visited so far by this is my england =

Minnie Weisz Studio, 123 Pancras Road
pictures of spaces on the brink of change - the buildings of the King's Cross area prior to redevelopment, with images from the streets around them projected onto the walls of their crumbling interiors...

trying to understand the individual lives of unmarried Saudi women living in London, undoing the globally recurring visual trope of the niqab and the idea of the whole body as awrah... 

a street photography exhibition in a very public place (though there are more pieces in the same collection on show in a more conventional gallery space... not seen those yet)... so kind of street photography on the street... it would have been a shame not to snap some shots of the great British public rushing past some shots of the great British public...

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