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Friday, September 30, 2011

not dynamic

Apologies to fans of Blogger/Blogspot's new-ish 'Dynamic Views' functionality. This is not (yet) available at this is my england. Sure, it's visually quite appealing to see a blog's content dancing around the screen in  a tumblr-stylee. But I wouldn't like the loss of all control around the look and feel of this place. For what it's worth, I've spent a fair bit of time fiddling around with fonts, layouts, buttons (linking to the this is my england presence on Facebook and Twitter) and the like. So I'm disinclined to gain zippy, zingy 'dynamism' at the cost of presenting the stuff here in a font and colour palette that's not of my own choosing. 

So, we at this is my england global HQ look forward to future tweaks to Blogger's presentation and viewing engine. Once it's possible to own/control the header, footer, sidebars, widgets, choice of font etc., this rather conservative organ may be ready to jump on board.

PS: pinch, punch, first day of the month, and no return
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