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Saturday, October 1, 2011

death to pubs

A number of factors have been cited to account for the rapid dwindling of the number of pubs here in England. The ban on smoking in enclosed public places is often mentioned, as is the aggressive pricing of alcoholic drinks by the major supermarket chains. Apparently, inner-city pubs are the ones closing at the fastest rate. Here is an example of one estate pub that bit the dust a while ago. It looks forlorn:

The housing estate, into one of the blocks of which this pub was built, appears to be inhabited predominantly by recent immigrants. A parade of shops and offices on the estate now includes a mosque, presumably indicating that a good number of the residents are of the Muslim faith. Being teetotal, such folk are not really in the market for a pub. this is my england wonders what possible use might be found for the abandoned, stubby little pub.
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